A portal website bringing together vital information about natural gas and natural gas vehicles.
Due - See Website - link below.
Arkansas to Provide Funding for Two CNG Stations The Arkansas Energy Office (AEO), a division of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, today announced that a total of $800,000 in rebates will be provided through the Gaseous Fuels Rebate Program for the installment of two CNG stations. The station operators to each receive a $400,000 credit are Love’s Travel Stop & Country Store for a station located in West Memphis and Kum & Go for a station located in Springdale. A review panel of industry professionals and leaders rated applications based on factors including geography and project feasibility along with the manner in which the stations aligned with AEO’s goals for alternative fuels development in the state. The funds will become available as soon as the stations are open and the fuel is available for sale to the public. Both stations are anticipated to have CNG access available by late 2014. For more information on the AEO’s CNG programs, visit www.arkansasenergy.org.
Due - Friday, November 20, 2015
California proposition 1B includes $166 Million for Truck projects Funding available through the Goods movement emission reduction program In partnership with the California Air Resources Board, some California air districts are accepting applications for alternative fuel truck grants under the state’s Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program.
Established under Proposition 1B the program aims to reduce air pollution emissions and health risk from freight movement along California’s trade corridors. Air Districts accepting applications include the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District, South Coast Air Quality Management District, and the San Diego Air Pollution Control District. One of the program’s main goals is to help offset the costs of replacing old diesel trucks operating in the corridors with new, cleaner models.
According to the program guidelines, the following funding opportunities are available:
Class 8 or Class 7 truck(s) with a model-year (MY) 2009 or older diesel engine: – $200,000/truck for a new zero-emission replacement truck with a MY 2015 or newer engine. – $150,000/truck for a new hybrid replacement truck capable of zero-emission miles with a MY 2015 or newer engine. – $100,000/truck for a new optional low-NOx replacement truck with a MY 2015 or newer engine (0.02 g/bhp-hr or less NOx). – $80,000/truck for a new hybrid replacement truck with a MY 2015 or newer engine. – $65,000/truck for a new natural gas replacement truck with a MY 2015 or newer engine.
Class 6 truck(s) with a model-year 2006 or older diesel engine: – $100,000/truck for a new zero-emission replacement truck with a MY 2015 or newer engine.
Class 6 truck(s) with a model-year 1998 to 2009 diesel engine: – $65,000/truck for a new hybrid replacement truck capable of zero-emission miles with a MY 2015 or newer engine. – $50,000/truck for a new optional low-NOx replacement truck with a MY 2015 or newer engine (0.02 g/bhp-hr or less NOx). – $45,000/truck for a new hybrid replacement truck with a MY 2015 or newer engine. – $40,000/truck for a new natural gas replacement truck with a MY2015 or newer engine.
The guidelines say eligibility requirements include a commitment to move goods a majority of the time and a commitment to at least 50% of travel within the four California trade corridors. Those corridors include the Bay Area, Central Valley, Los Angeles/Inland Empire, and San Diego/Border. Also, to be eligible for the funds, the truck must have been registered in California and run 90% of its annual mileage in the state. It also must be equipped with a diesel engine model year 2009 or older. Funding is also available for electric charging stations, hydrogen fueling units, and infrastructure needed for zero-emission transport refrigeration units.
The deadline for this round of funding is Friday, November 20, 2015. Those wanting information on the grant opportunities in the San Joaquin Valley should call CALSTART’s Director of our San Joaquin Valley Clean Transportation Center, Joseph Oldham. He can be reached at joldham@calstart.org or 626-744-5680. Otherwise, information is available from the Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program http://www.arb.ca.gov/bonds/gmbond/gmbond.htm More information is available by calling CARB’s Goods Movement Information Line at 916-44-GOODS (444-6637) or by email at gmbond@arb.ca.gov
Due - June 11, 2015 - EXPIRED
Competitive solicitation to school districts and other public entities to fund projects that establish or expand infrastructure necessary to store, distribute and dispense compressed natural gas (CNG) for use in natural gas vehicles The California Energy Commission Program Opportunity Notice PON-14-608 has issued a competitive solicitation to school districts and other public entities to fund projects that establish or expand infrastructure necessary to store, distribute and dispense compressed natural gas (CNG) for use in natural gas vehicles. A total of $1,500,000 is available under this solicitation. The maximum award for each agreement under this solicitation is $500,000 for public K-12 school districts and $250,000 for other public entities. To be eligible for this solicitation, project must be located in California and be either new CNG fueling infrastructure or an upgrade to existing CNG infrastructure. Matching funds are not required from school districts. Other public entities must provide a minimum match of 25% of the total allowable project costs. There is a pre-application workshop to be held on April 1, 2015. The deadline to submit applications is June 11, 2015. Questions can be directed to Kevyn Piper, 916-654-4845 or kevyn.piper@energy.ca.gov
Due - November 26, 2014 - EXPIRED
Cal. Energy Commission RFP - $800,000 for CNG fueling infrastructure R&D The California Energy Commission has issued a solicitation for applied R&D of CNG fueling station improvements that reduce infrastructure equipment costs and maintenance, and increase efficiency for fueling to a true full fill capacity and improve capture of methane emissions from fueling and storage systems. $800,000 is available to fund the research under PON-14-502, which can be accessed here. The application submission deadline is November 26, 2014. A pre-app workshop is being held in Sacramento at 10 AM on October 24, 2014.
Due - December 1, 2014 - EXPIRED
$2.25 million RFP from Cal Energy Commission for advanced NatGas ignition system R&D The California Energy Commission has issued a solicitation for applied R&D of advanced high-energy ignition systems capable of overcoming the challenges of igniting natural gas fuel under high boost pressures with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) for spark-ignited Class 3-8 engines. Funded projects must involve one or both of a) Advanced functionality of natural gas ignition under high boost pressure and heavy EGR conditions to facilitate the development of engines with lower NOx and GHG emissions; 2) Advanced ignition components to allow longer maintenance intervals comparable to diesel engine operation. $2.25 million is available to fund the research under PON-14-501, which can be accessed here. The application submission deadline is December 1, 2014. A pre-app workshop is being held in Sacramento at 1 PM on October 27, 2014.
Due - Varies, see website link below
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) in California, has several programs that provide monetary incentives for implementing cleaner technologies. There are several current grant listings that include funding for particulate matter traps on school diesel backup generators; replacement of onboard CNG fuel tanks on CNG school buses; replacement of onboard fuel tanks of CNG school buses that are older than 14 years; Rule 1470 Risk Reduction Fund; and, major event center transportation programs. More information can be found on their “Grants and Bids” page, which is available here.
Due - 1,600 vehicles or April 22, 2015
New Honda Civic Natural Gas Vehicle Customers In California Eligible for Immediate $1,000 Purchase Credit TORRANCE, Calif., June 9, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Californians purchasing a new Civic Natural Gas vehicle ( http://automobiles.honda.com/civic-natural-gas/ ) are now eligible for special savings from the California Energy Commission – an immediate $1,000 purchase credit1 supplied directly by certified Honda Civic Natural Gas dealers at the time of purchase. In addition to the purchase credit savings, Civic Natural Gas vehicle customers in California have the added benefit of qualifying for single-occupant access to High Occupancy Vehicle "carpool" and High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes2.California has the most robust natural gas fueling infrastructure in the nation with more than 150 stations in the state. The supply of purchase credits through the California Energy Commission is limited to 1,600 and expires when all have been distributed or on April 22, 2015, whichever occurs first. See the California Air Resources Board's web site for more information
Due - May 1, 2014 - EXPIRED.
New Funding Opportunities Available in California On Monday, the California Energy Commission (CEC) opened a new funding opportunity through the California Energy Commission that will provide incentives at the point of sale through OEMs and their dealers and distributors. PON-13-610 will provide $10.8 million to those purchasing a new, fully warranted NGV that will operate in California for at least three years. The funding levels vary based on the GVW of the purchased vehicle, as follows: · Up to 8,500 lbs. GVW: $1,000 per vehicle · 8,501 to 16,000 lbs. GVW: $6,000 per vehicle · 16,001 to 26,000 lbs. GVW: $11,000 per vehicle · 26,001 to 33,000 lbs. GVW: $20,000 per vehicle · 33,001 lbs. and higher GVW: $25,000 per vehicle
Submissions will be accepted February 28 through May 1. A solicitation workshop will be held at the CEC in Sacramento on February 6. For more information visit the CEC website, or contact Debbie Jones at 916.654.4631.
Due - Ongoing Annually through 2023.
California Governor Signs Laws Extending Alternative Fuel Incentives On September 28, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a number of important measures ensuring that alternative fuel incentives in the state will continue to be funded for a number of years to come. The newly enacted bills provided nearly $2 billion in funding and could provide several hundred million in new funding for NGV related programs. The funding supports a number of different programs including the Carl Moyer Air Quality Improvement Program and the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program. The signing of these bills is important as many of these programs are only authorized through 2016. With the signing of these measures (AB 8 and SB 11), these programs will now be funded through the end of 2023. California has been at the forefront in the effort to fund the development of cleaner technologies, aiding in helping fleets retire older, dirtier vehicles with new, cleaner alternative fuel vehicles and in general in providing incentives for alternative fuel vehicles. These programs are funded in part by vehicle registration fees and smog-check fees.
Gov. Brown also signed a bill to allow solo drivers of dedicated NGVs, electric cars, and plug-in hybrids to use carpool stickers until 2019. The current program would have expired in 2015. Currently 18,270 green decals and 32,764 stickers have been issued. The stickers allow a motorist to drive solo in state diamond lanes and pay a lower toll to cross bridges in the San Francisco Bay Area. That fee is $2.50, compared to $5 or $6 for non-carpoolers. For more information, see this website.
Due - Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Colorado Energy Office has announced the second round of funding for alternative fueling stations The Colorado Energy Office has announced the second round of funding for alternative fueling stations through the ALT Fuels Colorado program. Application materials may be found on the CEO website. along with any program updates and/or changes.
The Request for Applications (RFA) bid period will proceed as follows:
Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the pre-bid meeting at the CEO headquarters, located at 1580 Logan Street, Suite 100 in Denver, Colorado, on Thursday, January 15th at 1:00 PM (MST). Those who are unable to physically attend the meeting may call in at (877) 820-7831, access code 555863. Written inquiries to be addressed during the meeting may also be submitted in advance to Wes Maurer, Transportation Program Manager at CEO (Wes.Maurer@state.co.us).
Further questions regarding the ALT Fuels Colorado program must be submitted in writing prior to 12:00 PM on Thursday, January 22 and will be answered in the form of an FAQ posted to the CEO website.
Applications must be received by 11:00 PM (MST) on Wednesday, February 4, 2015 with awards to be announced in March
Due - Ongoing implementation - see website link below
Colorado CMAQ Program to Provide $30 Million for NGV Projects Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper announced the state will use $30 million from the Federal Highway Administration’s Congestion, Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program to increase Colorado’s natural gas fueling infrastructure and the purchase of NGVs. “Increased use of natural gas as a transportation fuel diversifies Colorado’s portfolio, supports locally produced energy, improves air quality and can save money through lower fuel costs,” said Hickenlooper. “These stations will help ensure an NGV owner can drive nearly anywhere across the state fueled by Colorado-produced gas.” Earlier this month, the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) led a memorandum of understanding (MOU) among 28 large public and private fleet owners and members of the natural gas industry. The MOU signatories have committed to work collaboratively to help accelerate the deployment of NGVs and a natural gas fueling infrastructure. The CMAQ funds will help with the construction of as many as 30 CNG fueling stations, and the adoption of at least 1,000 NGVs statewide. The four-year program will be managed by the CEO with the support of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), the Regional Air Quality Council (RACQ) and local governments. Visit the website that gives updates on the implementation of this program which is ongoing.
Due - Ongoing until funding runs out
Florida Agency Proposes Rules for Natural Gas Fleet Vehicle Rebate The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services issued proposed rules outlining requirements for the Natural Gas Fleet Vehicle Rebate program. Authorized earlier this year as part of House Bill 579, the new program provides up to $25,000 in rebates for new or newly converted NGVs. The value of rebates is capped at fifty percent of the incremental cost of vehicles. Under the rules, leased vehicles also qualify for the incentive if the lease is for five-years or more, with the rebate going to the lessee. The rebates are available on a first come basis and applications can be submitted starting January 7, 2014 and each July thereafter through 2017. A business and organization is allowed to receive up to $250,000 each year in rebates. The proposed rules establish filing deadlines and the supporting information that must be submitted in order to qualify for a rebate. For example, applicants must provide: documentation proving that the vehicle or conversion has received a certificate of conformity from the U.S. EPA; a photograph of the natural gas tank(s); the vehicle identification number; and proof relating to the purchase and cost of the vehicle. This new program is expected to provide about $6 million in annual funding over a five-year period. Comments on the proposed rules may be submitted until November 11, 2013. For more information see the gency website.
NOTICE OF AWARD: Transit Authority in Kentucky Gets CMAQ Grant for CNG Buses
August 14,2014 - Gov. Steve Beshear, D-Ky., and officials from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) have awarded $2,501,591 to Lextran, a provider of public bus fleets for the City of Lexington.
The award comes in the form of a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant and will be used in the purchase of seven compressed natural gas (CNG) buses.
In addition, CMAQ funds were awarded to five other projects in the state, including the construction of a CNG fueling station.
CMAQ funding is apportioned to each state by the Federal Highway Administration. Federally funded CMAQ grants are for innovative transportation projects or programs aimed at reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality.
The funds are available to state and local government agencies, as well as private entities through public-private partnerships. Nonprofit organizations may also apply in partnership with state or local government agencies.
New York
Due - July 9, 2014 by 5:00 p.m. EST - EXPIRED
NYSERDA Issues $3.6 Million CNG Infrastructure Program Opportunity Notice The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has issued the New York State Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Infrastructure Program Opportunity Notice (PON) 2818. The objective of the program, which is worth approximately $3.6 million, is to increase the number of publicly accessible CNG refueling stations in New York State. PON 2818 solicits proposals for funds to purchase and install equipment for the retail sale of CNG in New York. It is estimated that approximately12 new CNG refueling stations will become operational as a result of this PON. Under the Program, NYSERDA will make available up to $300,000 per site for eligible capital costs, including installation labor, to proposers providing 50 percent cost share, or up to $500,000 per site for eligible capital costs, including installation labor, to proposers providing 75 percent cost share. The CNG stations funded under the Program must be publicly accessible. The Program does not pay for the costs of station permitting or engineering. NYSERDA funds will be awarded on a competitive basis. Proposals are due July 9, 2014 by 5:00 p.m. EST. For more information and to access the program documents, visit Soliciation for more information.
Due - Ongoing.
New York Launches Alt Fuel Truck Voucher Program On Friday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the “New York Truck – Voucher Incentive Program (NYT-VIP).” The NYT-VIP is a $19 million first come -first served incentive program to provide incentives for the purchase of alternative fuel vehicles and diesel emission control devices. Three funds have been established through the NYT-VIP -- a $6 million New York Truck Voucher Incentive (the New York City Alternative Fuel Vehicle – Voucher Incentive Fund or NYCAFV- VIF), a $9 million battery-electric truck voucher program and a $4 million program to retrofit diesel engines with emission controls.
The alt fuel program is targeted at New York City, and includes CNG, hybrid-electric, and all-electric vehicles, as well as CNG engine conversions. The program, which will be rolled out in August, is directed toward class 3 to 8 trucks, which include large pick-ups, delivery vans, box trucks, buses, tractor-trailers, garbage trucks, and construction vehicles such as cement and dump trucks. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority is administering the program, with funding from the federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program and in partnership with the New York State Department of Transportation and the New York City Department of Transportation. CALSTART was competitively selected to assist NYSERDA in managing the voucher program. Under the terms of the program, vendors that market and sell approved technologies can apply for a voucher incentive to reduce the cost to the purchaser. Once the purchaser receives the new truck or diesel emission control device, the vendor will be redeemed the full voucher amount. The $6 million will be available in vouchers up to $40,000 covering up to 80 percent of the incremental cost. The funding is open to all private and non-profit fleets based in and operating 70 percent of the time in New York City. A list of participating manufacturers will be available at the launch of the program. For more information on the New York Truck-Voucher Incentive Program, see the program homepage.
North Carolina
Due - November 3, 2014 - EXPIRED
NC Sustainable Energy Association for Projects Reducing Transportation-Related Emissions The North Clean Energy Technology Center (NCCETC) at N.C. State University has announced a final request for proposals for over $1,300,000 in federal 2013-2015 funding to award to governments, business, and/or non-profit applicants for transportation technology related emission reduction projects. The Clean Fuel Advanced Technology (CFAT) Project is a three year $6.2 million initiative of the NCCETC funded with federal support from the N.C. Department of Transportation (DOT). In addition to providing assistance for emission reduction projects, the CFAT project focuses on activities that include a public education media campaign and developing clean transportation technology and policy training opportunities.
Funding assistance is allocated in the form of a reimbursement, which can cover up to 80% of the project cost. In order to be eligible, a project must reduce transportation related emissions within eligible NC counties, with the exception of electric recharging infrastructure which, in accordance with new federal guidelines, can be located anywhere within the state. Guidelines and applications are available by clicking on Incentives & Funding at: www.cleantransportation.org Technology project proposals for this call for projects must be submitted to NCCETC by November 03, 2014.
Project Contact: Anne Tazewell, 919-513-7831, anne_tazewell@ncsu.edu
Due - March 31, 2015
Request for Qualifications for the design and construction of a new CNG fueling station. The Ohio State University has issued a Request for Qualifications from firms for the design and construction of a new CNG fueling station. Available funding is $2,500,000. The station will be used to provide fast fill to a variety of light and heavy vehicles. The work includes, but is not limited to, proving CNG dryers, compressors, storage, distribution and dispensing equipment; subgrade and site work; a Control Building; mechanical and electrical trades; and other work as necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the plans and specifications set forth in the Bid Submittal Documents. Four new Ohio State buses are powered by CNG and the school says it sees a benefit to converting more of its vehicles to alternative fuels. The deadline to respond to the RFQ is March 31, 2015. Questions should be submitted in writing to Aldino Stazzone at stazzone.1@osu.edu
Due: Re-Assessment at 500 rebates at $ 2,000 or June 30, 2015
Pennsylvania Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program; Availability of Rebates
DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pennsylvania Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program; Availability of Rebates
The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) announces the continued availability of grants to Commonwealth residents under Pennsylvania's Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program (program). The program, administered by the Department through the program, provides rebates to Commonwealth residents to assist individuals with the incremental costs of purchasing an alternative fuel vehicle.
To qualify for the rebate, the alternative fuel vehicle must be registered in this Commonwealth and be operated primarily within this Commonwealth. Rebates will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis in the order in which they are received. Rebate request forms and required documentation must be submitted to the Department no later than 6 months after the vehicle is purchased.
The following rebates are offered: - $ 2,000 rebate for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) (battery system capacity equal/greater than 10 kWh) or battery electric vehicle (EV) (battery system capacity equal/greater than 10 kWh); does not include electric motorcycle, scooter, all-terrain vehicle (ATV) or low speed electric vehicle.
- $ 1,000 rebate for a PHEV or EV (battery system capacity less than 10 kWh); does not include electric motorcycle, scooter, ATV or low speed electric vehicle.
- [*8061] $ 1,000 rebate for a natural gas fueled vehicle; original equipment manufacturer (OEM)/certified retrofit only.
- $ 1,000 rebate for a propane fueled vehicle; OEM/certified retrofit only.
- $ 1,000 rebate for a hydrogen or fuel cell vehicle, or both.
- $ 500 rebate for an electric motorcycle, scooter, ATV or other low speed electric vehicle if registered in this Commonwealth.
There are a limited number of rebates left at $ 2,000. The rebate program offered will be reassessed upon payment of the first 500 rebates at $ 2,000 or June 30, 2015, whichever occurs first. The Department encourages interested applicants to visit the web site for rebate forms and an up-to-date listing of rebate availability (Keyword: Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates).
DANA K. AUNKST, Acting Secretary
Due: November 14, 2014 by 4:00 p.m. EST - EXPIRED
Funding Available for Incremental Purchase and Conversion to HD Trucks The third round of Pennsylvania’s Natural Gas Vehicle grants opened over the weekend, and will provide an estimated $6 million to help pay for the incremental purchase and conversion costs of heavy-duty natural gas fleet vehicles. Since 2013, the state has awarded $14 million to 44 organizations and companies making the switch to compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and bi-fuel vehicles weighing 14,000 pounds or more.
Those eligible to apply include non-profit organizations, local transportation organizations, state owned or state related universities, commonwealth or municipal authorities, for-profit companies and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. Requests can be no more than 50 percent of the incremental purchase or retrofit cost per vehicle, with a maximum total of $25,000 per vehicle.
Eligible applicants are encouraged to participate in a related webinar, scheduled for September 22, from 2-3 PM EDT. To register for the webinar and view the updated guidance document and online grant application, visit www.dep.state.pa.us and click on the “Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program” button. Grant applications are due by 4 p.m. EST on Friday, November 14, and will be awarded this winter.
Pennsylvania Governor Corbett Announces 33 Incentive Grants for Alternative Fuel Vehicles to Improve Air Quality HARRISBURG, Pa., Sept. 4, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Governor Tom Corbett today announced nearly $4 million in Alternative Fuel Incentive Grants (AFIG) to 33 local governments, non-profit organizations and companies making the switch to compressed natural gas (CNG), propane, or electric, for medium to light-weight fleet vehicles.
"These important grants allow Pennsylvania to make the most of our abundant natural resources, edging us closer to energy independence while also helping to improve our air quality," Corbett said. "This funding makes it possible for many local governments, organizations and companies to convert their lighter-weight vehicles to natural gas or other alternative fuels."
The awarded AFIG grants will help pay for the conversion or purchase of 274 natural gas vehicles, 261 propane vehicles, and 23 plug-in hybrid or electric vehicles. An estimated 24 new fueling stations and 35 existing stations will be supported by these vehicles.
AFIG grants are an annual solicitation, providing financial incentive for a variety of transportation projects with the result of reducing air emissions in Pennsylvania. This year, AFIG grants focused on the conversion or purchase of natural gas vehicles weighing less than 26,000 pounds, as well as the conversion or purchase of electric, propane or other alternative fuel vehicles of any size.
Applications were also accepted for innovation technology projects that include research, training, development and demonstration of new applications or next phase technology related to alternative transportation fuels and alternative fuel vehicles. DEP awarded $1.8 million in AFIG funding to four innovative alternative fuel technology projects.
The AFIG fund was established under Act 166 of 1992, and is administered by the Department of Environmental Protection through its Office of Pollution Prevention and Energy Assistance.
Pennsylvania Act 13 Heavy Duty NGV Grant - FINAL ROUND The 3rd and likely final round of grants for heavy duty NGVs under PA’s Act 13 program is expected to open August 30. Applications will be accepted through Nov. 15. This is the last fiscal year in which we are authorized by Act 13 to offer these grant funds. Like the previous 2 rounds, the grants will be capped at 50% of incremental purchase price and no more than $25,000 per vehicle. Approximately $6 million will be available. Biggest change for this round is that there is no carve-out for local transportation organizations - all funds are up for grabs to all eligible applicants.
The guidelines are not yet published, but will be available on our website in time for the opening of the application window. Visit for program information.
Due - As of May 30, 2014, 373 rebates remain at $2,000. - EXPIRED
Pennsylvania DEP Announces Availability of AFV Rebates On December 28th, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection published a notice concerning the continued availability of rebates for alternative fuel vehicles. The grants cover various types of alternative fuel vehicles and, in the case of NGVs, provide up to $1,000 for a new NGV offered by an original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Converted vehicles apparently also qualify but only EPA-certified systems qualify. Leased vehicles currently do not qualify for funding and purchased vehicles must have 500 or fewer miles on them at the time of purchase to qualify. The grants are administered under the Pennsylvania Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program. According to the DEP, qualifying vehicles must be registered in the state and operated primarily in the state. The rebates are to be offered on a first-come, first-served basis in the order in which they are received. The notice indicates that interested persons should visit the state’s website to check for the latest rebate forms. As of last week, the new forms had not been posted. Visit and search for “alternative fuel rebate.”
Due - Varies, see website - link below.
Gov. Corbett Announces New NGV Project Grants On Friday, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett awarded $7.7 million in in the second round of Act 13 funding to 25 companies and organizations transitioning their heavy duty fleet vehicles to natural gas. Act 13 of 2012, which was the single largest step in modernizing the state's Oil and Gas Law in nearly three decades, authorized the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to develop and implement the Natural Gas Energy Development Program. The program, which is funded by impact fees paid by natural gas operators, distributes up to $20 million in grants over three years to help pay for the incremental purchase and conversion costs of heavy-duty natural gas fleet vehicles. "Act 13 not only strengthened oversight of the drilling industry, it allows us to continue growing jobs while cleaning the air at the same time," Corbett said. "Natural gas, particularly from the shale formations here in Pennsylvania, is an abundant, affordable, domestic fuel that is putting this country on a path to energy independence." For this second round of the program, DEP received applications from 37 applicants requesting more than $10 million in grants.
The first round awarded $6.3 million to 19 companies and organizations making the switch to natural gas. The third and final rounds are slated to open in late summer. Grant requests cannot exceed 50 percent of the incremental purchase or retrofit cost per vehicle or a maximum total of $25,000 per vehicle.
Due - May 30, 2014 by 4:00 p.m. - EXPIRED
Gov. Corbett Announces New NGV Project Grants On March 1st, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) opened the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (AFIG) program, providing an estimated $8 million in grants for the purchase or conversion of alternative fuel vehicles. The AFIG fund was established under Act 166, and is administered by DEP through its Office of Pollution Prevention and Energy Assistance. Those eligible to apply include school districts, municipal authorities, political subdivisions, incorporated nonprofit entities, corporations and limited liability companies or partnerships registered to do business in Pennsylvania. Grant funds are available for the conversion or purchase of NGVs weighing 26,000 lbs. or less, as well as the conversion or purchase of electric, propane or other alternative fuel vehicles of any size. “We are pleased to bring back this program, which provided more than $5 million to companies, organizations and innovators for alternative fuel projects last year,” said Gov. Tom Corbett. “This additional funding will further our goals of improving Pennsylvania’s air quality while reducing the consumption of imported oil through the use of alternative fuels.” Applicants interested in purchasing or converting only one or two alternative fuel vehicles are encouraged to partner with other eligible applicants to aggregate vehicles into a single application that will satisfy the grant’s five vehicle minimum. Grant applications will also be accepted for innovation technology projects that include research, training, development and demonstration of new applications or next phase technology related to alternative transportation fuels and alternative fuel vehicles.
Applications are due by 4 p.m. on May 30, 2014, and grants will be awarded in the fall. Potential applicants are encouraged to participate in a related webinar, scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. To register for the webinar, complete the online grant application or learn more about the AFIG and Act 13 grant programs, visit the "Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program" homepage.
Due - Ongoing-no expiration date found.
Pennsylvania Announces $2 Million in New NGV Grants Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett announced that the state is expanding its NGV grant program with $2 million awarded to five natural gas fueling station projects. The expansion was part of wider investment of more than $13.5 million in loans and grants through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) and the state’s Alternative and Clean Energy (ACE) Program. “We have an available, abundant, domestic, economical and clean-burning supply of natural gas throughout Pennsylvania that can be used in a number of ways including to fuel our vehicles,” said Corbett. “Increasing the number of natural gas fueling stations in the state will grow the industry, boost our employment and result in a better environment.” To encourage the development of public CNG and LNG fueling stations, the CFA announced CNG/LNG policy changes that include a 25 percent grant incentive for private CNG/LNG stations and a 40 percent grant incentive for publicly accessible CNG/LNG fueling stations. The overall grant and loan combination would be capped at 50 percent of the total project cost. For more information see the state’s Alternative and Clean Energy (ACE) Program homepage.
Due - Opens February 9, 2015 - No expiration date listed as of this update
TCEQ’s TERP Program Announces 30-Day Notice for the new Rebate Grants Program In accordance with Section 386.117, Texas Health and Safety Code, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is providing a 30-day notice to potential applicants who wish to apply for funding under the 2015 Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) Rebate Grants Program. A draft copy of the Request for Grant Applications (RFGA) and application forms can be viewed online at www.terpgrants.org.
The Rebate grants program will not officially open before February 9, 2015. Draft documents provided on the Web page are for information only. Application forms may not be submitted at this time. Final application forms will be available when the grant round officially opens. DO NOT SUBMIT PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF APPLICATION FORMS.
The TCEQ encourages interested applicants to attend one of the following application workshops:
Arlington: January 14, 2015 1:30-4:30 p.m. North Central Texas Council of Governments 616 Six Flags Drive Arlington, Texas 76011
San Antonio: January 22, 2015 1:30-4:30 p.m. Alamo Area Council of Governments 8700 Tesoro Drive, Suite 700 San Antonio, Texas 78217-6228
Austin: January 27, 2015 1:30-4:30 p.m. TCEQ's Austin Office Building E, Room 201S (Agenda Room) 12100 Park 35 Circle Austin, Texas 78753
Houston: January 29, 2015 1:30-4:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. (en Español) Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Drive Houston, Texas 77042
Please contact TERP staff toll-free at 800-919-TERP (8377) or by email atterp@tceq.state.tx.us with any questions
Due - December 2, 2014, 5:00 p.m. CST. - EXPIRED
The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Call for Projects Houston Zero Emission Delivery Vehicle Deployment The H-GAC is requesting responses from regional fleets or vehicles owners through a Call for Projects for the purchase and deployment of all-electric medium/heavy-duty delivery vehicles including step vans or box trucks. The vehicles must operate within the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria non-attainment area and applicants are expected to provide two years of data collection and reporting. Responses to the Call for Projects must include a partnership between a fleet / vehicle owner and an original equipment manufacturer (OEM). In total, the project includes deployment of at least 30 all-electric medium/heavy-duty delivery trucks. Technologies eligible for this particular project include zero emission all-electric trucks configured as a box trucks or step vans.
Request for a Call for Proposal package may be obtained by contacting H-GAC's Air Quality Program, P.O. Box 22777, Houston, TX 77227-2777, (713) 627-3200, fax (713) 993-4508, or by email at airquality@h-gac.com. All questions regarding the RFP must be made in writing (or email). The deadline for the proposal is December 31, 2014.
Due - December 2, 2014, 5:00 p.m. CST. - EXPIRED
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) Emissions Reduction Incentive Grants Program
The TERP Program is now accepting applications for the Emissions Reduction Incentive Grants (ERIG) Program. Grant funds are available to upgrade or replace older heavy-duty vehicles (including school buses), non-road equipment, locomotives, marine vessels, and stationary equipment. Eligible counties for this grant cycle include: Bastrop, Bexar, Brazoria, Caldwell, Chambers, Collin, Comal, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Fort Bend, Galveston, Gregg, Guadalupe, Hardin, Harris, Harrison, Hays, Hood, Jefferson, Johnson, Kaufman, Liberty, Montgomery, Nueces, Orange, Parker, Rockwall, Rusk, San Patricio, Smith, Tarrant, Travis, Upshur, Victoria, Waller, Williamson, Wilson, and Wise.
Several workshops, dealer trainings, and application assistance sessions have been scheduled to help applicants learn more about new program requirements and new grant application forms. Workshops are free and registration is not required. The workshop schedule is available here .
New grant application forms are now available here. ERIG applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on December 2, 2014. Questions may be addressed via phone toll-free at 800-919-TERP (8377) or by email at terp@tceq.state.tx.us
Due - October 3, 2014, 5:00 p.m. CST. - EXPIRED
UP TO $7.7 MILLION AVAILABLE TO REPLACE DIESEL-POWERED VEHICLES WITH ALTERNATIVE FUELS OR HYBRIDS The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality today announced that up to $7.7 million in grants is being made available to encourage entities that operate large fleets of vehicles in Texas to replace diesel-powered vehicles with alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles.
The TCEQ Texas Clean Fleet Program (TCFP) grants are part of the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan, and are available to owners of fleets of 75 or more vehicles operated in Texas. Grant applicants must commit to replace at least 20 diesel-powered vehicles with hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles.
Projects eligible for funding under this program must result in a reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions of at least 25%. Eligible projects may be limited to certain counties in Texas.
TCEQ will conduct grant application workshops to review TCFP grant requirements and application procedures for potential applicants. All workshops are free and no registration is required.
The three TCFP workshops are as follows: • July 28, 2014, in Austin, 1:30 p.m. at TCEQ headquarters, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building F, Room 2210, Austin, Texas 78753; • July 29, 2014, in Houston, 1:30 p.m. at the Tracy Gee Community Center, AR-1, 3599 Westcenter Drive, Houston, TX 77042; and • August 4, 2014, in Arlington, 1:30 p.m., North Central Texas Council of Governments, Tranportation Council Room, 616 Six Flags Drive, Centerpoint II, Arlington, TX 76011.
Application deadline is October 3, 2014, 5:00 p.m. CST.
For additional up-to-date information on the grant application process, eligibility requirements, and copies of the application forms for the TCFP, visit the TERP Web site, www.terpgrants.orgor call 800-919-TERP (8377).
Due - Until June 26, 2015 or until all funding is awarded.
TCEQ Light Duty Motor Vehicle Purchase or Lease Incentive Program Announced The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has announced that up to $7.8 million in grants is being made available for its new Light-Duty Motor Vehicle Purchase or Lease Incentive (LDPLI) Program. The LDPLI is a statewide program to provide financial incentives of up to $2,500 for the purchase or lease of eligible new vehicles powered by CNG, propane, or electric drives (plug-in). Texas Health and Safety Code Section 386.151 (2), defines a light-duty motor vehicle as a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 10,000 pounds. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until June 26, 2015 or until all funding is awarded, whichever comes first. Only purchases completed after the official opening of the grant round are eligible to apply for a rebate. A listing of eligible vehicles under the LDPLI is available on the TERP web site at www.terpgrants.org For more information on the LDPLI program, or contact the TERP program at 800.919.8377.
Due - Until May 21, 2015 or until all funding is awarded.
TCEQ Announces Availability of $24 Million for NGV Grants Last week, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) announced that it is making available up to $24 million in grant funding to encourage the replacement or repower of medium or heavy duty motor vehicles with NGVs or repowered natural gas engines. The Texas Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program (TNGVGP) is part of the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP). In order to receive a grant, an applicant must work with a “participating dealer” who is under contract with the TCEQ. Eligibility for funding is based on the demonstrating compliance with low emission levels or at least a reduction of 25 percent in nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions in the case of retrofits or repowers. Heavy duty engines must have been certified by EPA to meet or exceed 0.2 g/bhp-hr of NOx. Medium duty passenger vehicles must be certified to EPA Bin 5 or lower and have NOx emissions of 0.07 g/mi or better. Completed heavy duty natural gas vehicles weighing 8,501–14,000 pounds GVWR must meet or exceed EPA standards for such vehicles (0.2 g/mi NOx for 8,501–10,000 lbs. GVWR, and 0.4 g/mi NOx for 10,001–14,000 lbs. GVWR). The TCEQ website includes a list of qualifying engines and vehicles as well as participating dealers. Grants will pay up to 90 percent of the incremental cost. Eligibility also requires that the vehicles are operated in one or more of the eligible counties. According to the TCEQ notice, applications will be accepted up until May 31, 2015, or until all funding is awarded. Information about the program is available at the website.